Pet Food Pantry
How do I make the bags?
Tour of the Storage Unit
The left side of the unit is for full bags of dog food that arrive.
The top shelf in the middle is for puppy food.
The top left shelf is for
WildCare donations.

In the middle of the unit, there are shelves for bags of food that have been opened. If you bring in an open bag of food, please make sure you squeeze out the extra air and tape the bag securely shut to prevent the food from getting pantry moths. The bottom shelf is for prescription bags of pet food.
There is a shelf in the middle of storage perpendicular to the shelf for open bags for dry cat food.

The brown cabinet has:
Cleaning supplies
Trash bags
Supplies for small exotic pets (rabbits, hamsters, birds, etc.)

Food that is bagged for delivery is on the right side of the unit. Dry dog food and canned dog food are in the back corner.
Dry cat food, canned cat food, and kitty litter that are ready for delivery are toward the front of the unit.

Smaller bags of food that are used for deliveries to small food pantries and shelters are in the back of the unit.
These bags all have an envelope attached to them with information on receiving vet care.
There are shelves in the middle and back of the unit that have containers full of an assortment of pet supplies. There are also some additional pet supplies on top of the shelves on the left side of the unit.
All of the labels are attached by velcro in case the labels need to be switched to a different container.
Storage Unit

How do I bag the food?
We have 4 different types of food bags
Individual and monthly deliveries:
10 lb of dog food
5 lb of cat food
Pantry and shelter deliveries:
5 lb of dog food
3 lb of cat food

All of the bagging supplies are located in the front of the unit. The large rubbermaid container used to mix the food is located under the table.
You will add bags of either cat food or dog food to the rubbermaid container and then mix them together with the shovel before putting it in smaller bags.

Please use open bags of pet food and leftover pet food first when you are making bags of food. The open bags of food are on the shelf in the middle of the unit and the leftover pet food is stored in the rubbermaid container in labelled buckets. If you have food leftover when you are bagging, you’ll put it back in these buckets.

The labels, zip ties, cat food, and dog food bags are in these drawers. The cat food is always in a ziploc baggie and the dog food is always in a bag with a zip tie whether you are making small pantry bags or larger bags.
If you run out of baggies, there should always be some on the bottom shelf. If the supplies ever appear low, you can send us text a message to our phone number, (405) 367-5862.

All of the other supplies you may need should be on the black shelves. This includes a small tray of zip ties that usually has some that have already been started and just need to be slipped over the end of the bag.
We have two scales to choose from. Make sure if you use the smaller scale you are adjusting for the weight of the basket when you are weighing the food. For the larger scale, if there is anything on the scale when you turn it on it will not be included in the weight. Unfortunately you have to work quickly when you use the larger scale -- if there is no change in the weight in a short period of time it turns off. The power button is on the front.
The smaller scale is stored with the bags of open food and the larger scale is stored on the shelves above the rubbermaid container used for mixing the food.

Please make sure you squeeze the excess air out of all of the bags and that they are completely sealed. For the larger bags, the tops should be twisted and folded over before the zip tie is attached. Pantry moths are sneaky about getting inside bags.

Pantry moths are the work of the devil and we try very hard to prevent them from getting established in our unit. If you ever open a bag or box and there is more than one or two of the critters inside, tape it up and put it on the Wildcare shelf and text us we have an item with pantry moths on the shelf. We’ll come whisk it away and take it to WildCare for donation. (They don’t mind having the moths.)

We use pantry moth traps that use a pheromone to attract the moths into a sticky trap. If you notice a trap on the shelf that is pretty full of moths you are welcome to toss the trap and open a new one. New traps are on the black shelves with office supplies.

All of our shelves have velcro labels and are numbered in the order they should be used. You can move the labels around as needed. The arrows are done with a dry erase pen so you can change them if needed (i.e. if the shelf labelled “Use 1st” is full and you are starting a new shelf, make sure the shelf you use has the label “Use 2nd”.)
When you’re done, please make sure you sweep up and throw out any loose kibble. There is a trash can at the front of the storage unit and a dumpster on your way out of the storage unit.