Pet Food Pantry
We offer pet food to individuals needing temporary assistance, through Laundry Love, by utilizing small food pantries in Norman, through Food and Shelter for Friends, and by providing monthly deliveries to individuals who apply for the program.

Individual deliveries
When individuals contact us needing food, they are generally scheduled for a delivery the following day. We will provide assistance for up to 4 pets and we deliver one bag per cat or dog under 40 lb, and two bags for dogs over 40 lb. After 3 deliveries, we require owners to fill out a form for assistance that includes verification of income and offer to provide monthly deliveries.
Monthly deliveries
For our monthly program owners sign an agreement that they will not adopt more pets, all of their pets will be spayed or neutered, and that they must use the food and not sell or distribute it elsewhere. One of our volunteers is assigned to making sure people in the monthly program have provided income verification, that their pets are spayed or neutered and current on their rabies vaccination, and that the owners have whatever pet supplies they need.
The applications for monthly deliveries are available as a form the client can mail in or as an online form.

Laundry Love
Laundry Love is a program that provides low income families with the opportunity to do two free loads of laundry at Sooner Wash in Norman. The events are generally once a month with an occasional exception. Other nonprofits often attend these events as well to make their services available to the families that attend. We attend the events in Norman and offer food to anyone requesting assistance.

Food Pantries
We deliver to small community outdoor food pantries twice a week. Each bag has information attached about services we offer, an application for a free spay or neuter, and a coupon for free vaccinations and microchips for up to two pets. This program is funded by a grant provided by the City of Norman and was initiated in June 2021.
We have been providing pet food to Food and Shelter for Friends since our inception. We currently deliver pantry bags to Food and Shelter every other week.